

Pocket your phone.

Slow down time.

Open the overton.

Underground Philosophy

Underground Philosophy


Underground Philosophy is where real conversation lives. A meeting ground to connect networks of decent people with tapped in, sensitive thinkers who are unafraid to ask questions and stay in meaningful dialogue.

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Voicecraft Live 9 | War & Unity

Voicecraft Live 9 | War & Unity

The referendum in Australia and the unfolding conflict in the Middle East have amplified the tensions and challenges of sharing voice together. This is an invitation to practice what it means to presence, connect, and cultivate understanding about many of the critical dynamics which influence our whole-being relating to these topics.

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Voicecraft Live 6 | An Interfaith Dialogue on Meaning, Tradition & Progress

Voicecraft Live 6 | An Interfaith Dialogue on Meaning, Tradition & Progress

Joining transformative philosopher Tim Adalin, the next Voicecraft Live welcomes an evening of interfaith exchange with guests across different religious and spiritual contexts, interwoven with community participation. Our first two confirmed guests will be Bishop Lindsay Urwin, Vicar of Christ Church Brunswick, and Kirk Fisher Roshi, an ordained teacher of the Diamond Sangha Zen lineage, practicing as part of the Melbourne Zen Group.

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Dreams in the Age of Technology (Voicecraft Live V)

Dreams in the Age of Technology (Voicecraft Live V)

In much of society the contents of dreaming consciousness are sidelined as a strange or comical irrelevance. Yet the dream remains a refuge for the private gnosis of psyche: a domain where rich yet nebulous patterns about the dreamer and the collective psyche compose in mysterious relation. In this accelerating digital age, what role might dreams have to play in the orientation of individual and collective becoming?

Hosted by transformative philosopher Tim Adalin, this is Voicecraft Live: a context for real conversations about matters of profound importance in our time. Welcoming hearts and minds, this participatory experience invites facilitated group conversation intermixed with spotlight dialogues with invited guests who have unique insight to share.

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Artificial Intelligence: Wisdom & Power (Voicecraft Live IV)

Artificial Intelligence: Wisdom & Power (Voicecraft Live IV)

As momentum builds and the wheel begins to steer itself, is there yet time to relate more consciously to the immensity of AI's emerging influence in the lifeworld?

Hosted by transformative philosopher Tim Adalin, this is Voicecraft Live: a context for real conversations about matters of profound importance in our time. Welcoming hearts and minds, this participatory experience invites facilitated group conversation intermixed with spotlight dialogues with invited guests who have unique insight to share.

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The Future of Psychedelics in Australia

The Future of Psychedelics in Australia

In February 2023 Australia legalised the medicinal use of MDMA and psilocybin in specific therapeutic contexts. But what does 'psychedelic' really mean? And what does a truly wise personal and cultural relationship with psychedelics ask of us, individually and collectively?

Hosted by transformative philosopher Tim Adalin, this is Voicecraft Live: a context for real conversations about matters of profound importance in our time. Welcoming hearts and minds, this participatory experience invites facilitated group conversation intermixed with spotlight dialogues with invited guests who have unique insight to share.

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You are invited to step into an embodied journey that contemplates the meaning and spirit of participation in culture at this unique period of societal transition. It’s the foreground to the launch of monthly Voicecraft Live events in Melbourne during 2023, taking forward the Voicecraft lineage of live, transformative philosophy.

Imagine an intimate festival of ideas, grounded in heart, community and purpose. A mix of facilitated discussions, filmed talks with locally and globally relevant guests, and collaboration with artists, builders, and elders. A context that supports the formation of real relationships, welcoming wisdom, curiosity, and enjoyment.

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